I do not enjoy reading because I find it very boring and I would much rather be doing other things. Reading to me is like a chore, and I find no pleasure in it at all. I do not mind reading one book every couple of months, but I hate when I have to read a book in a very short amount of time. I would much rather be outside or watching TV then reading.
I really hate reading when I am forced to read a book for school. The books are always horrible and I am never interested in them. I only like reading books about sports, and in school all we do is read horrible books such as Chocolat and Nectar and a Sieve. Those two books were possbily the worst things I have ever read in my life and I wasted valuable time reading them.
hi jake Andrews Answers here i totally agree with you reading books you dont want to read in a short amount of time is stupid and boring. i really hate taking time out of my day to read the spark notes and do projects on these mundane books.i recommend to you if the book has a movie instead of using spark notes watch the movie it really helps. and i agree that 95% of the books the school forces us to read are just dull and uninteresting.